Ramachandra Achar Bio

Prof. Ramachandra Achar, Ph. D., P. Eng.

IEEE Fellow, Fellow EIC

Email:  achar@doe.carleton.ca


Ph: 613-520-2600, x5651


Topics: Fundamentals and Advances in Signal and Power Integrity Modeling; Modeling and analysis of large multi-port scattering parameters based on Tabulated data; Parallel Algorithms and Methods for Signal and power Integrity Analysis

achar photo

Prof. Achar currently is a professor in the department of electronics engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He is a Fellow of IEEE as well as of Engineers Institute of Canada. He is a leading expert on signal and power integrity modelling and analysis, and a consultant for several leading industries in the field. Dr. Achar has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles in IEEE international transactions/conferences, six multimedia books on signal integrity and five chapters in different books. He has delivered over 100 invited talks in the field of signal and power integrity in global forums. His research interests include signal/power integrity modeling and analysis, EMC/EMI analysis, circuit simulation, parallel and numerical algorithms, microwave/RF algorithms and mixed-domain analysis.

Prior to joining Carleton university faculty (2000), he served in various capacities in leading research labs, including T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM, New York (1995), Larsen and Toubro Engineers Ltd., Mysore (1992), Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, India (1992) and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (1990). 

Dr. Achar received several prestigious awards, including Bharat Guarav Award (2014), Carleton university research achievement awards (2010 & 2004), NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council) doctoral medal (2000), University Medal for the outstanding doctoral work (1998), Strategic Microelectronics Corporation (SMC) Award (1997) and Canadian Microelectronics Corporation (CMC) Award (1996). He was also a co-recipient of the IEEE advanced packaging best transactions paper award (2007) and IEEE T-CPMT best transactions paper award (2013). His students have won numerous best student paper awards in international forums.

Prof. Achar currently serves as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electronic Packaging Society and Chair of the Distinguished Lecturer of Program for the IEEE EMC Society. He currently serves or previously served on the executive/steering/technical-program committees of several leading IEEE international conferences, such as EPEPS, EDAPS and SPI etc. and in the technical committees, EDMS (TC-12 of EPS).

Dr. Achar previously served as a Distinguished Lecturer (DLP) of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) (2011, 2012) as well as IEEE EMC Society (2015, 2016), and a guest editor of IEEE Transactions on CPMT, for two special issues on “Variability Analysis” and “3D- ICs/Interconnects”. He also previously served as the General Chair of HPCPS (IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Chip Package and Systems 2012-2016), General Co-Chair of SIPI- 2016 (Signal Integrity and Power Integrity Conference), General Co-Chair of NEMO-2015 (Electromagnetic and Multi-physics based modeling, simulation and optimization for RF, microwave and terahertz applications), General Co-Chair of IEEE international conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packages & Systems (EPEPS-2010, 2011), and as an International Guest Faculty on the invitation of the Dept. of Information Technology of Govt. of India, under the SMDP-II program. He is a founding faculty member of the Canada-India Center of Excellence, chair of the joint chapters of CAS/EDS/SSC societies of the IEEE Ottawa Section.

Prof.  Achar (S’95-M’00-SM’04-FM’13) received the B. Eng. degree in electronics engineering from Bangalore University, India in 1990, M. Eng. degree in micro-electronics from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India in 1992 and the Ph.D. degree from Carleton University in 1998.